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Employee News : Classified Weekly Notification

The Community Services function, Function 3300, is used for programs that are not specific to...

Utah Education Network offers free resources for teachers, students and parents in pursuit of life...

Are you a new contract employee We highly recommend you join us at the Utah Retirement System's...

Provo City School District gladly awarded five Provo Way awards in the month of September...

With the new school year started, it is time to get into the habit of reading with your students...

Please review Policy/Procedure/Forms 6650 if your location or program uses district vehicles Items...

Once upon a time, ProvoREADS is back and ready for another school year Each year, ProvoREADS...

If you are a classified employee we would like you to take this brief survey Classified...

There are three different administration functions District Administration, Function 2300, includes...

Please be aware of these three important rules to following when purchasing software Please...
