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Try This Strategy! Reciprocal Teaching

When your students are reading a complex text, try Reciprocal Teaching. Students read texts in smaller chunks and stop to talk at pre-determined places. Each student has a role in the discussion: questioner, clarifier, predictor, and summarizer.

Journal Prompt Ideas

Looking for something interesting for your students to journal about? Try one of these fun writing prompts:

  • Provide students with a strange or interesting photo and have them write about it (National Geographic pictures of the year or New York Times pictures of the week are great places to start)
  • Show students an interesting news headline and have them write the story (google “Weird News” for inspiration)
  • Have students write the story of a dream (you can give them a beginning or let them make it up completely)

Curriculum Corner: Additional Unit Vocabulary

Each unit in Get Ready has a list of additional vocabulary words that you can download and share with your students. This would be great for a word of the day, a station activity, or word wall! Find the list under Resources > Additional Vocabulary Lists.


Our next ELD Professional Development meeting will be on Wednesday, March 27. Please request your sub now if you haven’t already.
