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Each week we share one strategy that you can use to meet the needs of your diverse multilingual learners in secondary content classes. This week’s review strategy is specifically for secondary science teachers but could be adapted for use in many content areas.

Strategy: Pass the Note Card

Language Objective: I can use key vocabulary and sentence frames to summarize important information.

Pass the Note Card: How-To

  1. Antes de la actividad
  2. Plan a lesson and choose coordinating key vocabulary.
  3. Get enough note cards for every student to have one.

Durante la actividad

  1. During the lesson or at the end, give a blank note card to each student.
  2. Students write a sentence using one sentence starter and one vocabulary word to write something they learned on the index card.
  3. Have students stand in a large circle with their note cards.
  4. Play music; as the music plays, students pass their note cards around the circle.
  5. When the music stops, students read what is written on the note card they now have in their hand.
  6.  The teacher can then randomly call on students to share with the whole circle.
  7. Start the music again and repeat steps 4-6 as many times as you’d like.

Apoyo adicional a los ML

  • Pair students at lower proficiency levels with students who can read and write more. They can practice reading the card they get in the circle together.
  • Allow students to draw pictures to show what they learned.
  • Do the activity in smaller circles if students are nervous about sharing with the whole class.

Example: Biology

LT: I can compare and contrast plant and animal cells. After learning about the structure of plant and animal cells, have students write a comparison sentence about the two kinds of cells (provide sentence frames and/or comparison signal words as needed). Students then pass these sentences as music is playing. The teacher will choose specific students (for example, all students wearing green) to read the sentences they’re holding when the music stops.

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