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November National Native American Heritage Month banner

I understand that between the rush of the holidays, November can often be overlooked. Thanksgiving is the one holiday in November that gets the most recognition. I just want to remind everyone that November is also National Native American Heritage Month (NNAHM), therefore, it is full of opportunities for teaching, understanding, and learning about Native American/Alaska Native people, culture, and history. Here is the most recent proclamation made by the White House in regards to (NNAHM).

“Giving thanks is and always has been a longstanding and central tradition among most Native American communities. Sharing more about Native American peoples’ vibrant, ongoing traditions of giving thanks can sometimes be a difficult task.” (Smithsonian, National Museum of the American Indian)

Rather than leave you searching for resources I have compiled a list of resources that I hope you will find helpful. If you have any questions regarding Native American Education, I am always happy to help you find a resource. Thank you for all you do! Ahe’hee’ (“Thank you,” Navajo),

Meredith Lam (

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