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Here are some resources to explore this holiday in your classroom.

  • Have you ever wondered about the deeper story behind our Thanksgiving holiday? The BYU ARTS Partnership blog post “Rethinking Thanksgiving” explores common myths about this holiday, and offers concrete, easy ways to appropriately honor this holiday (and make it fun!) in your classroom. Discover how the Wampanoag people joined the first feast, why the term “Pilgrims” is historically inaccurate, and ways you can teach about Native American topics with accuracy and authenticity. 
  • In this lesson, 3rd to 5th graders learn about illustration through Norman Rockwell’s Thanksgiving covers for The Saturday Evening Post. They distinguish between illustrations and paintings, discuss the stories in Rockwell’s work, and explore different cultural views on Thanksgiving. The lesson ends with students creating and sharing their own Thanksgiving-themed illustrations. 
  • The Native American Curriculum Initiative along with the BYU ARTS Partnership have vetted Native American lessons at their website. Select Native American.
  • The Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UA&M) is offering a Living Folk Arts for Kids and Adults workshop grant that can be used to bring a Native artist to your classroom.
  • Check out the UDA&M teaching artist roster 
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