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Let’s celebrate CTE Month in February! CTE, Career and Technical Education, is a program where classroom learning meets real-world experience, preparing students for high-demand careers and lifelong success. Through hands-on learning and practical applications, CTE empowers secondary students to develop essential skills in areas like health science, engineering, culinary arts, robotics, computer science, and more, bridging the gap between education and employment.

This year’s theme, “CTE: Education Elevated”, highlights how CTE takes learning to new heights, equipping students with the tools to thrive in the modern workforce while fostering innovation and growth.

We invite students, parents, teachers, administrators, and staff to join us in celebrating the transformative power of CTE. Attend events, explore pathways, and share your CTE success stories. Let’s elevate education together!

Get involved, make a difference, and discover the future with CTE!

CTE Month Logo

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