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Secondary ELD Teachers, check out this quick tip! You’ll learn a listening strategy you can try in your classes this week and how to get grades from Vista into Canvas or PowerSchool.

Strategy to Try: Dictation

In dictation activities, teachers or students say or read something while listeners write it down. This is a great way for students to practice listening! Below are many variations you can use in your ELD classes:

  • Paired Dictation: Pair students up and show both a text. One student reads the text aloud while the other writes down what they hear.
  • Dictogloss: Read a text multiple times. The first two times, students take notes about what they hear. Then they recreate what they heard. These recreations do not have to exact but should have the same meaning.
  • Completion Dictation: Students have copies of the text with words missing. As you read, they fill in the missing words.


  • Get Ready: After students learn new words, read the vocabulary words and see who can write them the fastest. As students get more comfortable, use paired dictation to read an entire conversation.
  • Bridges: “Grammar in Action” lessons have a short text that you can use for a completion dictation. Take out words that display the grammar concept.
  • Engage B: Use the short texts in the “Reading Strategy” lessons for a dictogloss activity. Make a listening activity instead of a reading activity!
  • Grading in Vista

Learn how to get activity and assessments scores from Vista and into PCSD grading platforms

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