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Try This Strategy!

Total Physical Response [TPR]

Choose key vocabulary words and teach them to students using actions or gestures. Have students listen to you say the word, watch you do the action, and then do the action with you. Read more and see the strategy in action on ELLevation. The beginning of a unit is often a time when you are teaching new vocabulary, and TPR is a great way to help students remember it!


Phonics and Multisyllabic Routine

For ELD 1 and 2 classes, Get Ready has phonics lessons built into the units. Once students have learned letter sounds, blends, and digraphs, they are ready to start learning the rules for reading multisyllabic words, and we now have resources to help you teach those routines! Tani Brown will be reaching out soon to schedule a time to plan how you can use these phonics resources in your classes.

Curriculum Corner

Exporting Grades from Vista

Click the links below to learn how to get activity and assessment scores from Vista and into PCSD grading platforms.


The ESL Endorsement course is now open. All ELD teachers who are not endorsed should work with their principals to get started


Join us at the annual Administrator's Conference of the BYU-Public School Partnership  This...
