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Hello Provo District Colleagues,

For those of you that don’t know me (Kim Gardner), I teach at Dixon Middle School and am just finishing my 32nd year with the district (I was at Timpanogos for 24 years). My “other hat” this year (again for the 5th year) is being the chairperson for the Colonial Heritage Festival (in conjunction with the Freedom Festival and it is the largest Colonial Living History event in the western US… right here in Orem…. who knew?!…. and how the heck did I get roped into being in charge of it!?!?! ). In that capacity, I am seeking volunteers to help with different areas of the festival this year. I thank those that are repeat helpers from the last few years, but am now seeking new friends as well. 🙂

The dates are July 1,3 & 4. The areas that I am seeking help with are the chores and the colonial era games. They are all fun and easy areas to man, but I just need the adult (or older teen) help (yes, I would take your teenagers if they are responsible).

What I am looking for are people to fill shifts during the 3 days. I will take you whenever I can get you!  (Ideally I would love you to be able to do multiple days… but I take what I can get).  The shifts are 9am-12:30, 12-3, and 2-5pm  (We overlap shifts to be sure we are covered).

I would LOVE to have our awesome  Provo district representing us again this year! If you have a love of Revolutionary War /colonial era history, or if you like to dress up and “play a part”, or if you would be willing to help because you have sympathy for me 😉 , I would be forever grateful! We will find colonial outfits to dress you in…we have more women than men clothing, but I’ll find you something if I can get you :).    You don’t need to be a reenactor, just someone willing to help supervise games, chores, etc. no memorizing or playing any particular parts. The following sites give information about the festival (if you have not attended in the past).

We could also use volunteer CREWS for a couple hours (young men/young women groups, families with older teens, etc for set up and take down of the large tents at Scera Park on the mornings of June 29 and July 5.

And, as a side note, it is a FREE event, so if you are looking for fun things for your family to do on those days, bring your family. There are many things for every age.   Anyway, if you are willing, let me know.

Thanks, Kim

PS… I am the one between John Adams and Ben Franklin if you don’t know me. 🙂


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