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In January 2023, over 1300 educators gathered in Provo, UT, at the 2023 Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference. This opportunity to support mathematics teaching and learning was UCTM’s largest and most successful conference to date, and we would like to share the financial success of the conference with math teachers throughout the state of Utah by hosting our first UCTM Materials Grant! This grant gives all K-12 teachers of Utah who teach, coteach, or support teaching of mathematics, an opportunity to infuse their classrooms with up to $1500 of instructional materials.

Perhaps you attended a session with Peter Liljedahl’s work and want to equip your classroom with vertical learning surfaces. Maybe you would like to provide your students access to new technology manipulatives to support their thinking and learning. This is your opportunity to build your teacher wish list. UCTM is excited to receive your application and to support the way your students engage in mathematics this year!

Who: All K-12 teachers in Utah who teach, coteach or support teaching of mathematics are eligible to apply. How: Complete and submit the application (.docx) no later than 11:50 pm on June 12, 2023 by uploading your application as a PDF. Timeline: Application due June 12, 2023 –Awardees notified July 2023 — Materials purchased in August 2023


Join us at the annual Administrator's Conference of the BYU-Public School Partnership  This...
