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Each week we share one strategy that you can use to meet the needs of your diverse multilingual learners in secondary content classes. This week’s strategy is specifically for secondary CTE teachers but could be adapted for use in many content areas.

Strategy: Double Vision Video

Language Objective:  I can listen in order to explain a concept from a video.

Double Vision Video: How-To

Before the Activity

  1. Select a short (3-10 minute) content-related video clip. Make sure the video has lots of visual content to support teaching.
  2. Preview the clip to identify language to teach explicitly, focusing on new content-specific vocabulary and signal words.

During the Activity

  1. Explicitly teach vocabulary related to the concept and review focus points.
  2. View the video without sound, encouraging students to focus on specified content.
  3. Students take notes and discuss their observations. Consider having students predict the language that they will hear in the video.
  4. View the video again, with sound.
  5. Pause the video periodically to encourage students to discuss what they saw and heard.
  6. Ask students to articulate how and why their interpretation of the video’s meaning changed once sound was added.

Extra Support for MLs

  • Provide a word bank for students to use in their notes and discussions.
  • Give students discussion points to focus on in their conversations
  • Include subtitles on the second watch

Example: Marketing

  • LT: I can describe selling concepts to prepare for a sales presentation.

Select a video teaching students key selling concepts. Teach students the vocabulary they will need to understand the video and have them watch the silent video once. Students then discuss the video using the vocabulary words before watching the video with sound. After watching the video both times, have students describe the selling concepts from the video.

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