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Try This Strategy!

Don’t Mention It

This is a great strategy to help students review vocabulary and practice speaking at the same time. To play the game, divide the class into two teams. Students take turns picking a vocabulary word and describing it without mentioning the word. That student’s team guesses the vocabulary word. To see the strategy in action and download a graphic organizer for students who need more think time, go to the Don’t Mention It! strategy on Ellevation.

Visit Ellavation Education for more. 


TeachFX is a new AI tool that provides feedback to help you get your students speaking more. With an account, teachers can record a class session and then receive a report about how much time students spend speaking in class, their use of academic vocabulary, and your use of question types throughout the session. With a free account, you can record your class up to 3 times.

If you’d like to try this out and want someone to view the report with or would like to brainstorm ways to increase student talk in your class, please reach out to Tani Brown.

Curriculum Corner: Standards Correlation

Get Ready and Bridges both have documents that show where to practice each Can-Do Descriptor from the Key Uses edition. To see the correlation documents, go to Resources from your Vista dashboard and scroll down to Correlations on the left side.


WIDA ACCESS scores for this year should be available to view on May 4!


Join us at the annual Administrator's Conference of the BYU-Public School Partnership  This...
