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Secondary ELD Teachers, check out this week’s ELD Quick Tip! This week you’ll learn about growth goals, progress monitoring, and getting ready to administer the ACCESS test.

Growth Goals

Each ML student has an growth targets for the ACCESS test based on how long they have been identified as ML, what grade they were in when they were first identified, and their initial WIDA ACCESS score. These growth targets are one of the indicators that the state uses to measure ML student growth in our accountability system. This year’s growth targets are finally here!

Then check out your school’s growth goals data sheet (shared with you in your Google Drive) to see your students’ growth targets for this year’s ACCESS test.

ACCESS Administrator Essentials Document

WIDA has released a document with tips and information to help you get ready to administer the ACCESS test. You are welcome to read the whole document, but pay special attention to the Tell Students and Keep in Mind sections for each domain.

WIDA Document 

Progress Monitoring

There are many tools to help you progress monitor and know how your students are doing related to the can-do descriptors. Here are some that we’ve talked about in previous trainings. Use these to evaluate your students’ readiness for the ACCESS test and decide what else they might need to practice before it starts.
