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Check out this week’s ELD Quick Tip! This week you’ll learn a listening strategy that you can use in any ELD class and all about how to prep your classroom for the WIDA ACCESS test.

Strategy to Try: Read, Write, Correct

One thing that really helps students on the listening portion of the ACCESS test is taking notes about what they hear. To help them practice this, try the Read, Write, Correct strategy. This is a great strategy to help students listen and practice specific concepts you’ve taught them.

  1. Choose or create a text excerpt that includes the language element that will be the focus of instruction.
  2. Read that text aloud and have students write what they hear (read the text multiple times).
  3. Review the concepts or language elements and help students correct what they wrote.

You can also have students practice making lists based on what you read to help them practice taking notes. (When they take the listening test, they don’t need to write every word they hear!)

Classroom Prep for ACCESS

With ACCESS testing coming up, remember to do the following in your classroom:

  • Cover up or take down signs, word walls, etc., that might help students on the test.
  • Create a “Do Not Disturb” sign to hang outside your room.
  • Make sure you have plenty of working headphones for all of your students.
  • Decide on a quiet activity that students can do if they finish before others.

Vista Tip

With a new semester starting, you’ll need to re-link your Vista courses to Clever courses. You can create new Vista courses and if you need a reminder click the following tutorial: Vista Course Tutorial, or just unlink the semester 1 courses and link your semester 2 courses (if you need further instruction visit the: Clever Course Website here). Once you link new courses, you will lose old grades, so make sure you have everything backed up first!


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