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District Fine Arts Committee Meeting Summary

The Fine Arts Curriculum Review Cycle committee met on January 22, 2024. The committee reviewed survey results from the fine arts teachers in the district. Each art form reported on survey findings and the discussions held at the recent PD meeting. The committee is ready to record a summary of the needs of the fine arts programs and current practices. Considerations of resources, ongoing funding, compensation, and sustainability of the art form programs were discussed.

District World Languages Committee Meeting Report

DWLC January 22 meeting summary

Curriculum Notebooks update – we are missing information for ASL and German, all members of the DWLC now have the CN on their Canvas Dashboard

PD debrief – last District PD day, French, Spanish, and German had a Zoom meeting with their respective publisher. It was useful and teachers would like to have another training with the publisher in the future. We need to schedule a similar meeting for Chinese and ASL.

Future PD – DWLC discussed possible format for future WL PD – committee members suggested a collaborative format where various topics are discussed (classroom management, assessment, grading techniques…) and teachers simply share their best practices with one another. Committee members would also like future PD to discuss enrollment drops and to brainstorm possible solutions.


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