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Each requisition goes through an electronic approval process. There are at least two steps for each requisition. The first step is ACC. This is where the Business Office will make sure that the accounts used match the correct function and object. Changes may take place at this point so we can match the state required chart of accounts. The second step is usually the principal or director of the program (starts with a P and then the school number or the program name if it is a specific program). If the item is over $10,000, then the approval steps of BA (Business Administrator) and SUPT (Superintendent) and PRCH (purchasing) are required. The last step is Ready to Print. If your requisition has this code, you know that the PO will be printed in the next purchase order batch. Each morning and afternoon the principals and directors receive a list of requisitions in the system ready for approval.

Please refer to the attached steps to see how you can tell where your requisition is in the approval process.

Requisition Approval Process


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