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From the article “10 Reasons Every Teacher Should Attend and Edcamp“,

  • “As teachers, we beg, borrow, and steal to get what we need in our classrooms. Ok, I haven’t “stolen” anything other than great ideas from other teachers on Pinterest, but I try to get what I can for free!
  • “So, when I first heard about Edcamps, the big neon lights that caught my attention were blinking “FREE, FREE, FREE” and to top it off, I saw that I’d get cool swag from companies—prizes such as gift cards and educational materials for the classroom. Best of all, I could be in the drawing for an iPad and/or a Chromebook as a first-time attendee.
  • “The only “cost” is that it’s on a Saturday. As a teacher, I live for sleeping in on Saturdays and enjoying the day off after a busy week. Still, attendees from smaller districts will drive for hours to make it to the 8:00 a.m. check-in and breakfast.
  • “And, after attending, I can say with confidence that there are many benefits to going, outside of the swag and lack of entry fee. Here are the top 10 reasons to attend an Edcamp.

1. NEW IDEAS – You will leave Edcamp with what feels like enough new ideas, apps and websites to last you a lifetime. You’ll learn how to integrate anything into your classroom, campus or district, such as blogging, Genius Hour, gamification, differentiated learning, flipped learning, blended learning, STEM, social media, Skyping in the classroom, and more. You also have an opportunity to share your expertise on these subjects.

2. CONNECTIONS – You’ll make many professional connections with teachers, librarians, administrators and EdTech specialists.

3. HASHTAGS – You can follow the event’s hashtag . . .leading up to your Edcamp. During the event, everyone is tweeting like crazy to share and learn from others. Be sure to check back afterward to catch all the great ideas that were passed around.”

If you haven’t yet, please register for the Wasatch South EdCamp that will be held September 29th from 8:00-3:30 at Meadowbrook in Springville. It will be an event to remember!

invite for edcamp
