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Over the past three years, The Office of Energy Development (OED) has partnered with Chevron to advance Utah’s energy workforce and provide more than $92,000 in scholarships to high school seniors and first-year college students pursuing a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) field of study or trade certification at a Utah institution of higher learning. This includes:

  • Five $4,000 scholarships for students attending a Utah college or university
  • Five $2,000 scholarships for students attending a Utah technical college

Students can apply by submitting a Scholarship Application and a practice Cover Letter for an ideal energy/minerals job through the OED Scholarship page, by April 15, 2021. A complete set of instructions and further guidance can be found on our education website.

Applications are due April 15. Please join us in getting the word out about this excellent funding opportunity for future STEM students. 


UCTM is proud to announce it's 2nd Annual Materials Grant! In 2023, we funded over $18,000 worth...
