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The August 21 solar eclipse lends itself to many rich and engaging learning opportunities and can help start your school year out with a bang! UEN has organized NASA resources to help you plan many great activities. UEN NASA Resources

This being said, it is important to warn/educate your students on the danger of viewing the sun directly. Looking directly at the sun, even momentarily when it is partially eclipsed, is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious injury. Any schools planning to take their classes out to view the eclipse must provide appropriate protective eye-wear for all participants.

We recognize the challenge to ensure children use protective eye-wear appropriately. Therefore, we recommend that schools do not take on the additional liability of inviting families and others to participate.

Teachers and volunteers who observe the eclipse must also have the proper safety equipment. Please see NASA’s website below for further information on how to view the eclipse safely. NASA Safety Website

Risk Management Update:

Risk is OK with students watching the eclipse if safety glasses are used. The activity should be only for students, we should not invite parents or other children as it increases our liability.

Also, please note, there are many counterfeit eclipse glasses hitting the market. Please ensure if you ordered any that they have the following printed on them “ISO 12312-2 safety standards”. If you will be taking students outside for the eclipse please purchase verified glasses for their use.

I’ve attached this link to a short news story that is helpful in determining how safe glasses are. Both the Today show and Amazon now have a list of approved vendors, although many of those vendors also sell under other names so it is not all inclusive:

Reputable Vendor List

USA Today Article

Thanks for your attention to this matter, enjoy the eclipse. Stefanie Bryant
