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Please remember that p-cards are for incidental and emergency expenses. They should not be used for vendors who will accept a purchase order. A lot of online vendors will not accept a purchase order, so a p-card could be used, as long as the purchase is within your card limit.


Please do not split purchases with your p-cards. State law prohibits any splitting of invoices. This includes making an order and having the vendor charge half one day and the rest the next .

Please do not pay invoices with your p-card. If you receive an invoice that needs to be paid, please make sure that you enter a requisition in Alio for payment. If it is a vendor you will use again, please make sure they get set up as a vendor in Alio.


UCTM is proud to announce it's 2nd Annual Materials Grant! In 2023, we funded over $18,000 worth...
