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Please make sure that you review policy 6270 “Meals (other than travel) and Employee Appreciation”, with its accompanying procedure. For staff meals, other than Employee Appreciation (i.e. Christmas, end-of-year), please make sure meeting agendas are attached. Buying meals for staff meetings or training is not allowed unless the meeting is at least five hours. Please make sure form 6270 “Business Meal Authorization” is used for all meals that are purchased and turned in with invoice payments or p-card reconciliations–this includes meals for employee appreciation. This form is not needed for small snacks provided at staff meetings, but please note on the receipt what the purpose was for the snacks.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact the Business Office.


UCTM is proud to announce it's 2nd Annual Materials Grant! In 2023, we funded over $18,000 worth...
