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Secondary ELD teachers, check out this week’s ELD newsletter! Learn about breaking your instruction into smaller chunks to help with listening, discover Vista’s Writer’s Handbook, and get some ideas for Thanksgiving.

Try This Strategy!

5 and 2

To help your MLs develop active listening skills, chunk your instruction using a 5 minute/2 minute listening cycle. Instruct for 5 minutes and then have students respond to a prompt for 2 minutes, giving them a chance to immediately apply new language and learning. To see the strategy in action, download a graphic organizer, and see ideas for the 2-minute response time, check out Ellevation


Holidays are always a fun time in an ELD classroom. Here are some ideas for practicing reading, writing, speaking, and listening with a Thanksgiving twist:

Print a short passage about Thanksgiving and have students record themselves reading it multiple times to practice fluency

Help students write thank you cards to teachers

Teach students how to say what they are thankful for and let them share with multiple classmates

Listen to a Thanksgiving news clip on Listenwise

Curriculum Corner: Writer’s Handbook

Vista’s Writer’s Handbook includes instruction, graphic organizer support, and mentor text examples for 12 types of writing! It also includes practice for writing strategies like using transitions, writing a hook, and adding dialogue. Find the handbook under resources (only in the Bridges program).


Secondary ELD PLC Day November 29 (8-3) Ellevation Virtual Conference December 4, 5, & 7


Join us at the annual Administrator's Conference of the BYU-Public School Partnership  This...
