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ProvoREADS is a Provo City School District initiative to promote literacy, broaden, and deepen an appreciation of reading. Libraries throughout the district host activities connected to each year’s theme by introducing related titles of books and conducting various related themed events.

The theme for this school year is “Readers ARE Winners!”

Whenever we choose to read for pleasure above what is necessary for our day to day, we become winners. Avid readers tend to develop understanding and empathy for others with a higher developed vocabulary.

We pose the challenge for students to ask the question “What are you reading?” in conversations with friends and family. We can learn much about others by the books they read.

Each school library September 21st-December 10th will be hosting drawings for new books every couple of weeks. Students can enter the drawings by submitting for each new book they read, their name, homeroom teacher, and the title of the books through email to their librarian, or at the school library. Each book, eBook, audiobook, or book read to a student by a family member, counts for entry into the drawings. We encourage our students to share on social media what they are reading with #ProvoREADS.

Readers are Winners Flyer
