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Dear 6th grade teachers,

As we start the music specialty classes this year, here are some requests that will best promote learning in these music classes. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact these teachers. For Band, Whitney Werner at For Orchestra, Eric Smith at

  • Please do not hold students back from attending their instrument class. Students risk falling behind in their Music classes the same way they would in Math or Reading.
  • Please avoid planning field trips during specialty time as well. Due to the many schools these teachers teach at, they don’t have a schedule to allow make up classes any other time.
  • Please keep these teachers informed of schedule changes. If there is a trip or assembly that will cancel the specialty classes, please inform the instrument teachers asap.
  • Please be watchful of student’s instruments. Students should be expected to demonstrate responsibility with these expensive objects. They should NOT take the instrument out in class or take them to lunch or recess. Please notify the music teachers if you see any mistreatment of instruments.
  • Please ask students to call their parents at the beginning of the day if they have forgotten their instruments. Students’ chances to learn are greatly diminished when they don’t have their instruments.

Thank you for your support of these programs!
