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Licensing / Highly Qualified Teachers

Many Provo City School District positions require a professional license. Educators without a current license may be released from employment, re-assigned or lowered on the pay scale due to non-licensure. Completing the application / renewal process and all fees are the responsibility of the employee.

Licensed Educators

Teachers, Counselors, administrators, etc. are required to maintain their USBE license as a condition of employment. Teacher’s current license must be posted in CACTUS by June 30 of each year to continue employment thereafter. The Computer-Aided Credentials of Teachers in Utah Schools, CACTUS is the official licensing site for the Utah State Department of Education and contains the official record of licensure for the State of Utah. Professional Development hours provided by the district may count toward license renewal. Teachers must be endorsed to teach the subjects assigned to be Highly Qualified . Teachers in Title One schools must be highly qualified. Teachers assigned to teach subjects outside of their endorsement must coordinate with their principal to obtain the required endorsement.

The information below will help you get started with the Licensure process:

How To Renew Teaching License

As a condition of employment, Provo City School District requires all contracted educators to be licensed with the State of Utah. All contracted educators are responsible for maintaining their own personal licensure renewal.

Due to the individualized nature of the Utah State licensure procedures, information regarding procedures or questions can be directed to:

  • Email:
  • Phone: (801) 538-7740