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November is Native American Heritage Month to call attention to the culture, traditions, and achievements of the nation’s original inhabitants and their descendants.

BYU ARTS Partnership has tribal-approved lesson plans vetted through the Native American Curriculum Initiative (NACI). Resources, lesson plans, PD, and more are found at the NACI website. 

Bring a Native artist to your school: the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UDAM) has curated a Native American Teaching Artist Roster that lists Native Artists that you can invite to your classroom. Contemporary Native artists demonstrate the significant contributions of Native peoples’ who exist in the past and present through their performances, demonstrations, and lectures. Native American Teaching Artists are one of the best resources for your classroom when seeking to provide accurate and authentic voices in your student’s learning experiences. Use the link to peruse the list of artists. See the link at the BYU NACI website.

Download newly released lesson plans for 4-6th grades.


Join us at the annual Administrator's Conference of the BYU-Public School Partnership  This...
