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Brigham Young University has posted several vacancies for Clinical Faculty Associates to begin in August 2021. Four vacancies have been posted for Secondary Education positions in Mathematics, Biology, History, and Consumer Science. The CFA position works with the University and Partnership Districts to provide instruction, supervision, and support to Pre-Service students through Practicum Experiences, Student Teaching or Internships, and coursework.

Individuals interested in applying for these vacancies must complete a content-specific application by January 15, 2021, for consideration. A copy of the job announcement and application are listed below. Additionally, this information will be sent to all Secondary Administrators and forwarded to Teachers in those content areas.

Applicants will also be required to meet BYU expectations and requirements as Affiliate Faculty Status.

All applications must be submitted to Melanie Shelley ( in the HR OFFICE IN PROVO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT by January 15th to be considered.

CFA Announcement Family and Consumer Science

Application- Family and Consumer Science

CFA Announcement – Mathematics

Application- Mathematics

CFA Announcement Biology

Application- Biology

CFA Announcement – History

Application – History
